Programming SPI Flash with UEFI Internal Shell for Intel® Galileo Boards


Install & Setup



This page provides instructions describe how to program the SPI flash image for Intel® Galileo. You can also use this process to manually update or recover the firmware of the board. We successfully tested this process with Intel® Galileo Gen 1 Board and Intel® Galileo Gen 2 Board.

To perform the process, follow these steps:

  1. Download the CapsuleApp-1.1.1.efi and Flash-missingPDAT_Release-1.1.1.cap and copy them to a microSD card.

  2. Insert the microSD card into the microSD socket on the Intel Galileo board.

  3. Connect the serial cable between the computer and the Intel Galileo board. You can use PuTTY or similar software to access the Linux terminal.

  4. Power on the board. The board starts to boot.

  5. Type c to enter into the command-line when you see an image similar to the one here:
    Step 5

  6. Type quit. When you see the screen below, press Enter.
    Step 6

  7. Click UEFI Internal Shell and press Enter.
    Step 7

  8. Under Device mapping table, the first line shows: fs0 :HardDisk - Alias hd7b blk0. This line is your microSD card. To mount it type fs0:
    Step 8

  9. Type the *.efi file name, press the spacebar. Then, type the *.cap file name. Write them with the exact name they have, example: CapsuleApp-1.0.4.efi Flash-missingPDAT_Release-1.0.4.cap (or latest version).
    Step 9

  10. Make sure the file names are correct and press Enter. The programming process starts. It takes several minutes to finish. Do not interrupt the process, because doing so can permanently damage the board. After the process finishes the board boots.

  11. Once the process is complete, check to see that the firmware updated to the 1.0.4 version (or latest): type cat, press spacebar, and type /sys/firmware/board_data/flash_version.
    Step 11