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Arm* Development Studio Version 2023.1 for Intel® SoC FPGA



Armds Software

Arm* DS for Intel® SoC FPGA
  • Size: 1.9 GB
  • SHA1: bcf0fbbcea9a42744114eb71631bbefd6a22e55d
  • ID: 816380
  • Version: 2023.1
  • Last Updated: 02/19/2024



Supported Operating Systems



Download and install instructions:
  1. Download the Arm* DS for Intel® SoC FPGA Edition into a temporary directory.
  2. Run the .run file.
Refer to the Software Resources page for more information, such as Community Support and Ecosystem.

Detailed Description

Starting with Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Version 20.1 Intel ships Arm DS for Intel® SoC FPGAs. Arm DS-5 can be used with Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Version 19.4 and earlier versions. Please refer to the following KDB Solution.

System Requirements:
Hardware and Host Platform Requirements

Documentation Links:
  - RocketBoards User Guide for Arm Development Studio

Software Support:
Have a question or problem that is not answered by the information provided here?
Having trouble downloading the files?

Contact Intel application engineers for assistance through the mySupport website.

Legal Notice:
Please refer to End User License Agreement (EULA) for Arm Software Development Tools.