Dr. Yimin Zhang is a Principal Engineer at Intel Labs, and Chief Scientist of Intel Labs China, where he focuses on research on robot learning for service robot (such as for elderly care) and other autonomous systems, to drive application and usages innovation and differentiation on Intel platforms. He received his Ph.D. degree from Shanghai Jiaotong University at 1999.
His research interests primarily include robot learning, computer vision, natural language processing.
Dr. Zhang joined Intel March of 2000 as researcher working on natural language processing, statistical computing etc. From 2005, Dr. Zhang managed the application research lab focusing on visual computing. Their work on face analysis is included in Intel Perceptual Computing SDK 2013. In 2014, he got Intel highest level of award – Intel Achievement Award.
From 2015 he started to lead research on service robot. Under his leadership and support, a series of robot hardware/software platforms has been developed.