Shahrnaz Azizi

Intel Labs / Principal Engineer

Research areas

  • Machine Learning

  • Network & Communications Systems

  • Wireless Standards & Infrastructure



Shahrnaz Azizi is a Principal Engineer in the Emerging Connectivity Solutions group at Intel Labs. Her current research is in applications of Machine Learning in wireless communication and power optimization. She started her career at Intel as a firmware engineer in 2000 and quickly rose to become the firmware lead and systems engineering manager for Intel’s very first two Wi-Fi products, marketed as Intel’s Centrino Platform, which revolutionized laptop computing. She continued her work by designing and developing physical layer algorithms for various wireless technologies. During 2013-2018, Shahrnaz was one of Intel’s lead delegates to the IEEE 802.11 standards. Shahrnaz is a prolific inventor with more than 100 of granted patents at the forefront of wireless technology. Outside her work, Shahrnaz is an advocate for girls in STEM and women in Engineering. Shahrnaz served in several officer positions in the IEEE Women in Engineering Santa Clara Valley section and actively designs and leads hands-on-engineering workshops for girls and volunteers her time consistently in high school science fairs. Shahrnaz holds a B.S. from Sharif University of Technology in Tehran, Iran, a M.S. from Iran University of Science and Technology in Tehran, Iran, and a Ph.D. from Arizona State University, all in Electrical Engineering.