Mario Santana Lopez

Intel Labs / Engineer

Research Areas:

  • Architecture

  • BIOS / Firmware

  • Compilers & Software Tools

Mario Santana Lopez

Mario Alberto Santana Lopez is a software engineer at Intel Labs where he focuses on firmware and software development for research system prototypes from baremetal and drivers up to application level on both Unix and Windows OS's, also able to understand and work on systems, schematics and architecture definitions from proof of concepts to prototypes able to be transferred. He Received Computer Sciemce Master degree from Autonomous University of Guadalajara (UAG).

His research interests primarily include Systems architecture, Software for hardware enabling, Quantum computing instrumentation enabling and wireless communication applications.

Mario participated as Intel technical leader on Girlsup WiSci STEAM camp 2016 in Peru (, focusing on develop content and deploy a embedded systems training for local teachers and girls from 4 different countries.