Chaunte Lacewell

Intel Labs / Research Scientist

Research Areas:

  • Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence(AI)

  • Cloud Computing Systems, Compilers & Software Tools

  • Computer Vision, Data Analytics & Modeling

  • Machine Learning, Machine Programming

  • Media Processing, Reinforcement Learning (RL)



Chaunté W. Lacewell is a research scientist at Intel Labs, where she focuses on AI/ML algorithms. Chaunté received her Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University in Greensboro, North Carolina. She has experience in prototyping, assessing, and productizing signal processing and machine learning algorithms to address various challenging problems with business impact.
Her research interests primarily include applying engineering techniques to real-world challenges (e.g. predicting weather events), signal processing, visual data processing, data/image fusion, data mining, object tracking and recognition, automated machine learning and AI.