Power Management & VID Page (Device and Pin Options Dialog Box)

You open this page by clicking Assignments > Device > Device and Pin Options > Power Management & VID .

Allows you to specify options for managing power, such as the bus speed mode and the slave address of the voltage regulator when in PMBus Master mode.

Table 1. Power Management & VID Options. For Stratix® 10 and Agilex™ FPGA Portfolio devices only, specifies options for managing power, such as the bus speed mode and the address of the voltage regulator when in PMBus Master mode. To access, click Assignments > Device > Device and Pin Options > Power Management & VID Options. Disabled options are unavailable for the current device or configuration mode.
Option Description
Bus speed mode Specifies the bus speed mode (for example, 100 KHz or 400 KHz) in PMBus Master mode.
Slave device type Specifies the slave device type when the target FPGA device is in PMBus master mode. Available options are ED8401, EM21XX, EM22XX, ISL82XX, ISL69260, LTM4677, and Other.
Device address in PMBus Slave mode Specifies the starting 00 device address when in PMBus Slave mode.
PMBus device 0 slave address through PMBus device 7 slave address Specifies 7-bit hexadecimal value (without leading prefix 0x). For example, 7F for the slave address of a voltage regulator when in PMBus Master mode. You must specify a non-zero address.
Voltage output format Specifies the Auto discovery, Direct format, or Linear format output voltage format when in PMBus Master mode
Direct format coefficient (m,b,R) Specifies direct format coefficient m, b, or R when in PMBus Master mode. Signed integer between -32768 and 32767. Coefficient m is the slope coefficient. Coefficient b is the offset. Coefficient R is the exponent. Refer to the PMBus device manufacturer product documentation for these values. You must set this parameter when output voltage format of PMBus device is Direct format or Auto discovery format. You must specify a non-zero address when the output voltage format of PMBus device is in Direct format.
Linear format N Specifies linear format N when in PMBus Master mode. Signed integer between -16 and 15. This is the exponent for the mantissa for the output voltage related command when VOUT format is set to Linear format. Refer to the PMBus device manufacturer product documentation for these values. You must specify a non-zero value for Linear format.
Translated voltage value unit Specifies the Volts or Millivolts output voltage format when in PMBus Master mode.
Enable PAGE command The FPGA PMBus master uses PAGE command to set all output channels on registered regulator modules to respond to VOUT_COMMAND.
More Options Opens the Advanced Power Management & VID Options dialog box for specifying the following additional options:
  • Enable status_byte for polling—for Agilex™ FPGA portfolio devices only, enables the device to query the voltage regulator status via STATUS WORD command. If any errors are found, the SEU_ERROR pin is asserted. The Error Message Queue (EMQ) includes details about the error. For instructions about retrieving the EMQ, refer to the SEU Mitigation User Guide for your device.
  • Voltage Monitor Source—for Agilex™ FPGA portfolio devices only, allows you to specify the voltage source that monitors the voltage accuracy, including voltage regulators other than those listed as validated. Specify Voltage Regulator (default) if the voltage reading comes from a voltage regulator. Specify Internal VADC if the voltage reading comes from the FPGA internal VADC. Specify Omitted to perform no voltage reading.
  • Disable VID for debug purpose only—for Agilex™ 5 devices only, use this option for debug purpose only. When you enable this option, you must set the device operating voltage to 0.8 V. VID is disabled, and device performance and functionality are not guaranteed.
  • Diagnostic Boot—for Agilex™ 5 devices only, performs additional checks of the voltage regulator's configuration and operation.
    Note: This feature adds to the configuration time, so enable this option only during board bring-up operations.