Simulation Model Support
Only ModelSim® or QuestaSim version 6.6c and later can read Quartus® Prime software version 10.1 and later IEEE encrypted simulation model files.
You can simulate Mentor Graphics® Verilog HDL models in any single language Verilog HDL, VHDL, or mixed language version of ModelSim® or QuestaSim.
When you simulate a VHDL design containing encrypted Verilog HDL models, Mentor Graphics® single and mixed language simulators consume one simulator license.
Similarly, version 10.1 and later simulation model files that are IEEE encrypted for Aldec, Cadence, or Synopsys® simulators, can be read only by the corresponding simulator. These encrypted simulation models are located in the /quartus/eda/sim_lib/<simulator> directory.
Some Intel FPGA IP cores provide additional encrypted models in the <simulator> subdirectories where your IP variant's simulation models are generated.