altera_attribute Verilog HDL Synthesis Attribute

A Verilog HDL or SystemVerilog synthesis attribute for making assignments in theQuartus® Prime software to objects in your HDL source files. You can use it to embed assignments in your source files when the assignments do not have a specific synthesis attributes. The attribute takes a single string value with the same syntax as an assignment in a Tcl script or the Quartus Prime Settings File (.qsf) Definition. The Quartus® Prime software only supports altera_attribute on modules, instances, ports, and inferred registers. If applied to any other object, the synthesis attribute is ignored.

Note: Assignments made with the Quartus® Prime user interface, Tcl scripts and commands, and the Quartus Settings File (.qsf), override assignments made with the altera_attribute , unless the altera_attribute is more specific. More specific assignments always override less specific assignments. For example, an entity assignment overrides a global assignment, and an instance assignment overrides an entity assignment.

Assignments made with the altera_attribute synthesis attribute are not displayed in the Assignment Editor or written to the Quartus® Prime Settings File. Assignments made with the altera_attribute synthesis attribute are listed in the Source Assignments report in the Analysis & Synthesis folder of the Compilation Report.

To use the altera_attribute synthesis attribute in a Verilog Design File (.v) Definition or SystemVerilog Design File (.sv) Definition, add the attribute as a prefix to an object declaration using the Verilog 2001 attribute syntax (*...*). In addition, the synthesis attribute value must be a single string argument containing a list of QSF assignments separated by semicolons (;), as shown in the following code:
<declaration>   (*altera_attribute = "\
        -name<name_1><value_1> [-to<target_1> ]
        [-from<source_1> ]
        [-section_idsection_1 ];\
 -name<name_2> <value_2>[-to<target_2> ] [-from<source_2> ] [-section_idsection_2 ];\

In this code:

  • <name_1> and <name_2> are the names of QSF variables.
  • <value_1> and <value_2> are the QSF variables' corresponding values.
  • <target_1> and <target_2> are optional tags which specify the target instances this assignment should apply to within this entity.
  • <source_1> and <source_2> are optional tags which specify the source instances that this assignment should apply to within this entity.
  • <section_1> and <section_2> are optional tags which specify the sections that this assignment should apply to.

Not all assignment types would need a target, a source or a section. If a QSF variable requires a string value, use escaped quotes around the value, as shown in the following example, which uses a non-existent variable and value:

(* altera_attribute = "-name VARIABLE_NAME \"STRING_VALUE\"" *) reg q;
Note: To find the QSF variable that corresponds to an option or assignment, specify a value for the option or assignment using the Quartus® Prime user interface, and note the changes that occur in the QSF.
The following example shows how to use the altera_attribute synthesis attribute to set the power-up level of an inferred register.
(* altera_attribute = "-name POWER_UP_LEVEL HIGH" *) reg q;
The following example shows how to use the altera_attribute synthesis attribute to specify a synthesis logic option for a module. In this example, the synthesis attribute turns off the Auto Shift Register Recognition logic option.
(* altera_attribute = "-name AUTO_SHIFT_REGISTER_RECOGNITION OFF" *) module foo(a, b, c, o);

The following example shows how you can also use altera_attribute for more complex assignments involving more than one instance. In this example, the following Verilog HDL statements use an altera_attribute to cut all timing paths from q1 to q2:

reg q2; // Equivalent to set_instance_assignment -name CUT ON -from q1 -to q2 (* altera_attribute = "-name CUT ON -to q2" *) reg q1;

You may specify either the -to option or the -from option in a single altera_attribute; integrated synthesis automatically sets the remaining option to the target of the altera_attribute. You may also specify wildcard characters Definition for either option. For example, if you specify * for the -to option instead of q2, the Quartus® Prime software cuts all timing paths from q1 to every other register in the design.