AHDL Function Prototype (port name and order also apply to Verilog HDL)
The following AHDL function prototype is located in the AHDL Include File (.inc) Definitionaltasmi_parallel.inc in the <Quartus® Prime installation directory>\libraries\megafunctions directory.
FUNCTION altasmi_parallel ( addr[23..0], bulk_erase, clkin, datain[7..0], fast_read, rden, read, read_sid, read_status, sector_erase, sector_protect, shift_bytes, wren, write ) WITH ( EPCS_TYPE, PAGE_SIZE, PORT_BULK_ERASE, PORT_FAST_READ, PORT_ILLEGAL_ERASE, PORT_ILLEGAL_WRITE, PORT_READ_ADDRESS, PORT_READ_SID, PORT_READ_STATUS, PORT_SECTOR_ERASE, PORT_SECTOR_PROTECT, PORT_SHIFT_BYTES, PORT_WREN, PORT_WRITE, USE_EAB ) RETURNS ( busy, data_valid, dataout[7..0], epcs_id[7..0], illegal_erase, illegal_write, read_address[23..0], status_out[7..0] );