To perform a simulation of a VHDL design with command-line commands using the Xcelium* simulator
- If you have not already done so, set up the Xcelium simulator working Environment.
- To create a work library in the project directory, type the following command at the command prompt:mkdir <work library>Note:
Intel recommends using the Xcelium (Verilog or VHDL) default library names when you create a library. You should name the Xcelium software libraries as follows:
- When you run the Xcelium software independently from the Quartus® Prime software, you should name your library work.
- When you run the Xcelium software automatically from the Quartus® Prime software, your library is automatically named gate_work under the current project directory, and the work alias is mapped to the gate_work directory when performing gate level simulation.
- Compile the library files with the following command line command:
quartus_sh --simlib_comp -tool xcelium -family <device family> -language <language> -gen_only -cmd_file <simlib_device_family_file>
This generates cds.lib, hdl.var, and simlib_device_family_file>.sh files. The <simlib_device_family_file>.sh contains the necessary library file commands. - To compile the appropriate project files and libraries into the work library, type the following commands at the
command prompt from within the project directory:
xmvhdl <testbench file>.vhd xmvhdl <project name>.vho
- To simulate high-speed circuits, including designs that use HSSI, LVDS, and PLLs,type the following command at the command prompt
to enable transport delays:
xmelab -pulse_e 0 -pulse_r 0 -timescale "1ps/1ps" work.<top-level entity name>
Note: For more information about transport and inertial delays, refer to - To elaborate and simulate the design, type the following commands at the command prompt:
xmelab <work library>.<top-level entity name> xmsim <work library>.<top-level entity name>
- To direct the Xcelium software to generate a .vcd that you can then use to perform power
analysis in the Quartus® Prime Power
- In the file explorer pane, select the <testbench or design instance name>_dump_all_vcd_nodes.tcl generated by the Quartus® Prime EDA Netlist Writer.
- On the File menu, click Source. The .tcl directs the Xcelium software to monitor and write the output signals contained in the .tcl to a .vcd during simulation.