Intel® Quartus® Prime Support for VHDL 2008

The Intel® Quartus® Prime software contains support for VHDL 2008 with the following constructs defined in the IEEE Standard 1076-2008 version of the IEEE Standard for VHDL Language Reference Manual:

  • Section 5.3.2—Unconstrained elements in arrays
  • Section 9.2.3—Matching equality/inequality operators
  • Section 9.2.9—Condition operator
  • Section 10.9—Matching case statement
  • Section 11.3—Simplified sensitivity lists
  • Section 11.8—Extensions to the generate statement (elsif and else constructs in if generate statements and support for case generate statements)
  • Section 15.8—Enhanced Bit-string literals
  • Section 15.9—Block comments

The Intel® Quartus® Prime software contains support for all constructs defined in the IEEE Standard 1076-2008 version of the IEEE Standard for VHDL Language Reference Manual.

The Intel® Quartus® Prime software provides a library of HDL design templates, including VHDL 2008 constructs, that you can access through the Insert Template dialog box.