TMC-20250: Paths Failing Setup Analysis within Platform Designer Interconnect


The design contains failing timing path between Platform Designer interconnect components.


Name Description Type Default Value Min Value Max Value
maximum_setup_slack Reports a violation for timing paths that have a setup slack below the value of this parameter. double 0.0    
to_clock_filter Reports a violation for timing paths that end at a register in a clock domain that matches the value of this parameter. string *    
minimum_number_of_adders Reports a violation for timing endpoints that are preceded by a number of independent adder chains greater than or equal to this value. integer 3    
minimum_number_of_soft_mult_chains Reports a violation for timing endpoints that are preceded by a number of independent adder chains that are implementing multiplier logic greater than or equal to this value. integer 2    


Add pipeline stages between componentA and componentB by following these steps in Platform Designer:

  • Open the Platform Designer system that has this violation.
  • In the right-hand pane, go to Domains tab and click on Show System with Interconnect button, which launches the System with Platform Designer Interconnect window.
  • In the System with Platform Designer Interconnect window, go to Memory-Mapped Interconnect tab.
  • In the Interconnect drop-down menu, select the interconnect that has the failing path (for example, mm_interconnect_N in the following image).
  • Select the Show Pipelinable Locations check box. This results in displaying all pipelinable locations.
  • Identify components A and B in the interconnect, right-click on their gray boxes and select Pipelined.




Tag Description

Device Family

  • Intel® Stratix® 10
  • Intel® Agilex™
  • Intel® Arria® 10
  • Intel® Cyclone® 10 GX