File name—Specifies the
name and path of the Intel Quartus Prime Settings File (.qsf) Definition to which the
Intel® Quartus® Prime software should write the
assignments. By default, the file name matches the entity name of the entity
instance in the Export assignments hierarchy
path box, and the file path is <project directory>/atom_netlists/. To prevent current
project files from being overwritten, the Intel® Quartus® Prime software does not allow you to specify the current
project directory as the export file path.
Export assignments hierarchy
path— Specifies the full hierarchical path name of the entity
instance whose assignments you want to export. When you specify an entity
instance, you direct the Intel® Quartus® Prime software to
export only assignments belonging to that entity instance and its sub-entities.
By default, the export assignments hierarchy path is the project's top-level
design entity. However, you can set it to a lower-level entity by dragging and
dropping the lower-level entity's name from the Hierarchy tab of the Project Navigator, or by typing the
lower-level entity's full hierarchical path name in the Export assignments hierarchy path box.