Parameter | Type | Required | Comments | ||||||||
OPERATION_MODE | String | Yes | Specifies the operation of the RAM. Values are "SINGLE_PORT", "DUAL_PORT", "BIDIR_DUAL_PORT", or "ROM". If omitted, the default is "BIDIR_DUAL_PORT". |
WIDTH_A | Integer | Yes | Specifies the width of the data_a[] input port. If omitted, the default is 1. |
WIDTHAD_A | Integer | Yes | Specifies the width of the address_a[] input port. If omitted, the default is 1. |
NUMWORDS_A | Integer | No | Number of words stored in memory. If omitted, the default is 2 ^ WIDTHAD_A. |
OUTDATA_REG_A | String | No | Specifies the clock for the q_a[] output port. Values are "CLOCK0", "CLOCK1", "UNREGISTERED", or "UNUSED". If omitted, the default is "UNREGISTERED". |
ADDRESS_ACLR_A | String | No | Specifies the asynchronous clear for the address_a[] port. Values are "CLEAR0" and "NONE". If omitted, the default is "NONE". |
OUTDATA_ACLR_A | String | No | Specifies the asynchronous clear for the q_a[] output port. Values are "CLEAR0", "CLEAR1", "NONE", or "UNUSED". If omitted, the default is "NONE". |
INDATA_ACLR_A | String | No | Specifies the asynchronous clear for the data_a[] input port. Values are "CLEAR0", "NONE", or "UNUSED". If omitted, the default is "NONE". |
WRCONTROL_ACLR_A | String | No | Specifies the asynchronous clear for the wren_ainput port. Values are "CLEAR0", "NONE", or "UNUSED". If omitted, the default is "NONE". If the value of the RAM_BLOCK_TYPE parameter is M512 in SINGLE_PORT mode, the value must be set to "NONE". |
BYTEENA_ACLR_A | String | No | Specifies the asynchronous clear for the byteena_a[] input port. Value is "NONE". For Cyclone® and Stratix® devices, a value of "CLEAR0" is also allowed. |
WIDTH_BYTEENA_A | Integer | No | Specifies the width of the byteena_a[] input port. The WIDTH_BYTEENA_A parameter value must be equal to WIDTH_A / BYTE_SIZE. |
WIDTH_B | Integer | No | Specifies the width of the data_b[] input port. When the OPERATION_MODE parameter is set to "DUAL_PORT" mode, the WIDTH_B parameter is required. If omitted, the default is 1. |
WIDTHAD_B | Integer | No | Specifies the width of the address_b[] input port. If omitted, the default is 1. |
NUMWORDS_B | Integer | No | Number of words stored in memory. If omitted, the default is 2 ^ WIDTHAD_B. |
RDCONTROL_REG_B | String | No | Specifies the clock for the rden_b port during read mode. Values are "CLOCK0" and "CLOCK1". If omitted, the default is "CLOCK1". |
ADDRESS_REG_B | String | No | Specifies the clock for the address_b[] port. Values are "CLOCK0" and "CLOCK1". If omitted, the default is "CLOCK1". Note:
Note: ADDRESS_REG_Bserves as the reference for the clock source of port B if other parameters are not specified or are different fromADDRESS_REG_B. |
INDATA_REG_B | String | No | Specifies the clock for the data_b[] port. Values are "CLOCK0" and "CLOCK1". If omitted, the default is "CLOCK1". |
WRCONTROL_WRADDRESS_REG_B | String | No | Specifies the clock for the wren_b and address_b[] port during write mode. Values are "CLOCK0" and "CLOCK1". If omitted, the default is "CLOCK1". |
BYTEENA_REG_B | String | No | Specifies the clock for the byteena_b[] port. Values are "CLOCK0" and "CLOCK1". If omitted, the default is "CLOCK1". |
OUTDATA_REG_B | String | No | Specifies the clock for the q_b[] port. Values are "CLOCK0", "CLOCK1", and "UNREGISTERED". If omitted, the default is "UNREGISTERED". |
OUTDATA_ACLR_B | String | No | Specifies the asynchronous clear for the q_b[] output port. Values are "CLEAR0", "CLEAR1", and "NONE". If omitted, the default is "NONE". Specifies the asynchronous clear parameter for the output latch in Stratix®III devices when the OUTDAT_REG_A parameter is set to "UNREGISTERED" except in MLAB mode. |
RDCONTROL_ACLR_B | String | No | Specifies the asynchronous clear for the rden_b input port. Values are "CLEAR0", "CLEAR1", "NONE", or "UNUSED". The default value is "NONE". If the value of the RAM_BLOCK_TYPE parameter is M512 in DUAL_PORT mode, the value must be set to "NONE". |
INDATA_ACLR_B | String | No | Specifies the asynchronous clear for the data_b[] input port. Values are "CLEAR0", "NONE", or "UNUSED". If omitted, the default is "NONE". |
WRCONTROL_ACLR_B | String | No | Specifies the asynchronous clear for the wren_binput port. Values are "CLEAR0", "NONE", or "UNUSED". If omitted, the default is "NONE". |
ADDRESS_ACLR_B | String | No | Specifies the asynchronous clear for the address_b[] port. Values are "CLEAR0" and "NONE". If omitted, the default is "NONE". For Stratix®III devices inBIDIR_DUAL_PORTmode, the value must be to"NONE". |
BYTEENA_ACLR_B | String | No | Specifies asynchronous clear for the byteena_b[] input port. Values are "CLEAR0", "CLEAR1", "NONE", or "UNUSED". If omitted, the default is "NONE". |
WIDTH_BYTEENA_B | Integer | No | Specifies the width of the byteena_b input port. The WIDTH_BYTEENA_B parameter value must be equal to WIDTH_B / BYTE_SIZE. |
BYTE_SIZE | Integer | No | Specifies the byte size for the byte-enable mode. Values are: Note:
READ_DURING_WRITE_MODE_MIXED_PORTS | String | No | Specifies the behavior when the read and write operations occur at different ports on the same RAM address. Values are "OLD_DATA", "NEW_DATA", and "DONT_CARE". The default value is "DONT_CARE". Values of "NEW_DATA" and "OLD_DATA" are supported only if read address and output data use write clock in MLAB mode. A value of "OLD_DATA" is not available when the error correction code (ECC) feature is used in an M-RAM block. Compatible parameter values:
RAM_BLOCK_TYPE | String | No | Specifies the RAM block type. Values are device family-dependent. Values are "M-RAM", "M4K", "M512K", "M9K", "M144K", "MLAB", and "AUTO". If omitted, the default is "AUTO". |
INIT_FILE | String | No | Name of the Memory Initialization File (.mif) Definition or Hexadecimal (Intel-Format) Output File (.hexout) Definition containing RAM initialization data ("<file name>"), or "UNUSED". The default is "UNUSED". The INIT_FILE parameter is unavailable when the RAM_BLOCK_TYPE parameter is set to M-RAM. When the OPERATION_MODE parameter is set to "DUAL_PORT", the Compiler uses only the WIDTH_B parameters to read the initialization file. |
INIT_FILE_LAYOUT | String | No | Specifies the layout port used with the initialization file. Values are "PORT_A", "PORT_B", and "UNUSED". If omitted, the default is "UNUSED". If the OPERATION_MODE is set to "DUAL_PORT" mode, the default value is "PORT_B". If the OPERATION_MODE is set to other modes, the default value is "PORT_A". |
MAXIMUM_DEPTH | Integer | No | Specifies the maximum segmented value of the RAM. The MAXIMUM_DEPTH parameter value depends on the RAM_BLOCK_TYPE parameter. If omitted, the default is 0. As the RAM is sliced shallower, the dynamic power usage decreases. For a 128 deep RAM block, the power used by the extra LEs starts to outweigh the power gain achieved by shallower slices. The power usage and RAM/LE usage depends on the RAM configuration, parameter/port usage, and input vectors. |
CLOCK_ENABLE_INPUT_A | String | No | Specifies the clock enable for all port A inputs. This parameter is available for Stratix® III devices only. |
READ_DURING_WRITE_MODE_PORT_A | String | No | Specifies the read during write mode for port A. Values are "NEW_DATA_NO_NBE_READ", "NEW_DATA_WITH_NBE_READ"and "OLD_DATA". If omitted, the default is "NEW_DATA_NO_NBE_READ". For older devices, the available value is "NEW_DATA_WITH_NBE_READ" only. In MLAB mode, the value is "DONT_CARE". |
READ_DURING_WRITE_MODE_PORT_B | String | No | Specifies the read during write mode for port B. Values are "NEW_DATA_NO_NBE_READ", "NEW_DATA_WITH_NBE_READ" and "OLD_DATA". If omitted, the default is NEW_DATA_NO_NBE_READ. For older devices, the only available value is "NEW_DATA_WITH_NBE_READ". |
ENABLE_ECC | String | No | Specifies whether the ECC feature is on or off. Values are "TRUE" and "FALSE". For the ENABLE_ECC value to be "TRUE", the value of RAM_BLOCK_TYPE must be "M144K". |
POWER_UP_UNINITIALIZED | String | No | Specifies whether to initialize memory content data to XX..X on power-up simulation. Values are "TRUE" and "FALSE". For M-RAM, the only valid value is TRUE. If omitted, the default is "FALSE". |
IMPLEMENT_IN_LES | String | No | Specifies the usage of RAM blocks. Values are "ON" and "OFF". Set the value to "ON" to implement the RAM in logic cells. If omitted, the default is "OFF". |