RES-30133: Embedded Memory Blocks with Initialized Content That Might be Affected by Spurious Writes

The design may contain embedded memory blocks with initialized content that is affected by spurious writes.

Initialized content of embedded memory blocks is stable during configuration. However, when the DISABLE_REGISTER_POWER_UP_INITIALIZATION assignment is on, register initial conditions become undefined on the device. Thus, logic that modifies embedded memory can result in spurious writes when reliant on register initial conditions.

Note: This Design Assistant rule check might not identify all embedded memory blocks affected by spurious writes. See Implementing Clock Enable for On-Chip Memories with Initialized Contents for more detail.


Turn DISABLE_REGISTER_POWER_UP_INITIALIZATION assignment to OFF and prevent spurious writes by following the documentation on Implementing Clock Enable for On-Chip Memories with Initialized Contents.






Device Family

  • Intel® Stratix® 10
  • Intel® Agilex™