A logic option that specifies the capacitive load on an output pin for each I/O
standard, in picofarads (pF). When you specify this option, you change the tCO of the output pin. You use this option when you want
the board load to be different from the default value reported by the Intel® Quartus® Prime software in the Output
Pin Load for Reported TCO section of the Compilation report. The default
is 0 pF.
Important: The Intel® Quartus® Prime software does not recognize this option if it is applied to
anything other than an output or bidirectional pin, or if Advanced I/O Timing is
enabled. If Advanced I/O Timing is enabled, you can specify the capacitive load with the
Far capacitance logic option.
Important: A differential I/O standard
uses two pins, one for the positive end and one for the negative end. The Intel® Quartus® Prime software allows you to specify different
OUTPUT_PIN_LOAD values on the positive end and the negative end. However, in most cases,
specifying different capacitive loading on the positive and negative ends causes an
adverse effect on the rise/fall timing of the differential I/O pins. Therefore, for
differential pins, Intel recommends specifying
the same OUTPUT_PIN_LOAD on both the positive and negative ends as shown in the
following example: set_instance_assignment -name OUTPUT_PIN_LOAD 20 -to "diff_output[0]"
set_instance_assignment -name OUTPUT_PIN_LOAD 20 -to "diff_output[0](n)" If a
non-default OUTPUT_PIN_LOAD value is specified for only one end, the Intel® Quartus® Prime software uses the default OUTPUT_PIN_LOAD value
for the end that is not specified. For example, if you specify set_instance_assignment
-name OUTPUT_PIN_LOAD 20 -to "diff_output[2]" for the positive end, the Intel® Quartus® Prime software uses the default OUTPUT_PIN_LOAD value,
dependent on the I/O standard (for example, 0 pF for the LVDS I/O standard), for the
negative end.
The Output Pin Load
logic option is useful for accurate modeling of tCO and power usage.
For more information on device specific output delay derating factors and
tCO loads, refer to individual device family
data sheets, which are available from the Literature section of the webpage.
The Output Pin Load logic option can also be set in the Pin Planner.
The value you enter for the output pin load should be the
loading value for the board trace capacitance and target load
capacitance. The Intel device pin/package capacitance is already
factored in the output pin load value.
The Intel® Quartus® Prime software uses the following equation to
determine the changes in the output delay and depends on the
specified Output Pin Load option:
output_delay = default_output_delay +
((output_pin_load - default_output_load) * derating
Information |
Keyword: output_pin_load
Settings: <integer>
values: 0 - 10000