Design Assistant Rule Settings Dialog Box

You open this dialog box by clicking Assignments > Settings > Design Assistant Rule Settings.
Table 1. Design Assistant Rule Settings



Stage Allows you to filter the Rules list by All, Analysis & Elaboration, Synthesis, Plan, Place, Route, or Finalize compilation stages. This filtering allows you to view and edit only the rules that apply to the stage you select.
Filter Allows you to filter the Rules list by entering matching text and selecting the Name, Description, Parameter, Severity, or Category of the rule. This filtering allows you to view and edit only the rules that meet the criteria you select.
Enable Design Assistant execution during compilation Enabling runs Design Assistant automatically during compilation processing, according to the Design Assistant Rule Settings you specify. When disabled, Design Assistant does not run automatically during compilation.
Rules List all available Design Assistant rules and their properties.
Name Lists each rule by unique alphanumeric Name. Enable or disable analysis of the design for compliance with the rule by enabling or disabling the rule checkbox. For rules that apply to more than one Compiler stage, sub-rules appear for each stage for per-stage control.
Description Summary text rule description.
Parameter Lists any specified available parameters set for the rule, or "Multiple Values" for rules that support multiple parameters. You can select any rule to edit any supported parameter values. You can specify parameters on a per-stage basis by specifying parameters for the stage subrule.
Severity Allows you to specify Low, Medium, High, or Critical as the Severity level of the rule. The Design Assistant message reporting then reflects this severity level.
Category Specifies the area of design impacted by the Design Assistant rule. For example, Timing Closure, Reset, Hyper-Retimer Readiness, Floorplanning, CDC, Clocking, and others.
Stage Specifies the Compiler stages to which the rule applies. You can enable or disable the rule on a per-stage basis by enabling or disabling the checkbox option for the stage subrule.
Parameters for rule Allows you to specify parameters for rules that support parameters. You can specify parameters on a per-stage basis by specifying parameters for the stage subrule.