Text-Format Report File (.rpt) Definition

The ASCII version of the Report window. Like the Report window, Text-Format Report Files (.rpt) display information about the compilation or simulation.

The Text-Format Report Files contain the same sections that are displayed in the Report window, except for the following:

  • Analysis & Synthesis Equations section (Compilation Report)
  • Fitter Equations section (Compilation Report)
  • Simulation Waveforms section (Simulation Report)
  • Logical Memories section (Simulation Report)

Any charts that are in the Report window sections are converted into tables in the Text-Format Report File.

In addition to the individual module reports, a single file that combines the information of the individual module compilation reports is generated if you turn on the Automatically generate a single report file after compilation or simulation option in the Processing page of the Options dialog box.

The Intel® Quartus® Prime software generates the following Text-Format Report Files:

Report Name

File Name Extension

Analysis & Synthesis





This report file is a single file that combines the information of the individual module compilation report files.


Design Assistant


EDA Netlist Writer








If you stop a compilation or simulation, the Text-Format Report Files contain only the information created prior to the point at which you halted the compilation or simulation.

You can open the Text-Format Report File in the Intel® Quartus® Prime software or with a text editor.