MegaCore® functions Definition

MegaCore® functions are reusable blocks of intellectual property (IP) that you can customize for your design. Use these parameterized blocks of IP to reduce both testing and design time.

These pre-tested functions are optimized for Intel devices. VHDL and Verilog HDL IP functional simulation models are included for design and debugging with Intel-supported EDA simulation tools.

You can evaluate Intel FPGA MegaCore® functions in hardware for free by using the OpenCore Plus hardware evaluation feature. MegaCore® functions that support the OpenCore Plus Hardware Evaluation feature are automatically installed when you install the Quartus® Prime software. When you are ready to take the design into production, you can request a license on the Altera website or you can obtain a license from your salesperson.

Note: More information is available on MegaCore® functions on the Altera website.