logic element Definition

The smallest unit of logic located in a LAB of all Intel devices supported by the Quartus® Prime software. A logic element is also generally known as a logic cell.

In supported device ( Arria® series, Cyclone® series, and Stratix® series) family devices, a logic element consists of a four-input LUT, a programmable register, and a carry chain. Supported device family logic elements also supports a dynamic single-bit addition or subtraction mode that is selectable by a LAB-wide control signal. Each logic element drives the local, row, column, carry chain, register chain, and direct link interconnects.

Each programmable register of a supported device ( Arria® series, Cyclone® series, and Stratix® series) family logic element can be configured for D, T, JK, or SR operation, or bypassed entirely for pure combinational logic. The register's clock, clear, clock enable, preset, asynchronous load, and asynchronous data control can be driven by general-purpose I/O pins or any internal logic. The register's clock and clear can also be driven by global signals.

You can assign a logic function to a specific logic element in supported ( Arria® series, Cyclone® series, and Stratix® series) family devices. You can also assign a logic function to a Custom region to make sure the function is implemented in a logic element in that Custom region.

Logic elements have "numbers" of the following format for the following devices:


Device Family

Format for Logic Element "Numbers"

Variable and Number Descriptions

Arria® series, Cyclone® series, and Stratix® series

LC_X <number> _Y <number> _N <number>


The column number that contains the LAB that contains the logic element.


The row number that contains the LAB that contains the logic element.


The logic element number ranging from 0 to 10.