version-compatible database files Definition

Files generated by the Quartus® Prime software that are a version-compatible representation of the internal database files. You can create version-compatible database files by using quartus_cdb with the --export_database option, the Tcl command export_database, or the Export Database command (Project menu). You can also recreate internal database files from version-compatible database files by using quartus_cdb with the --import_database option, the Tcl command import_database, or the Import Database command (Project menu). The following are version-compatible database file types:

  • Atom Netlist File (.atm)
  • Hierarchy Database Export File (.hdbx)
  • Routing Constraints File (.rcf)
  • XML Report Database File (.xml)

There is also a Database Information File (.db_info) that dates the database files.

Note: The version-compatible database files are compressed and encrypted.