Waveform Display Pane (Signal Tap Logic Analyzer)

The Waveform Display pane is part of the Signal Tap Logic Analyzer Data tab.

Displays event data captured from nodes in the Signal Tap Logic Analyzer.

Node Type:

Displays the type of node or bus for the selected instance in the Signal Tap Logic Analyzer window, such as an input pin or state machine.

Node Alias:

Allows you to create an alias for a node or bus in the selected instance in the Signal Tap Logic Analyzer. A node alias is useful, for example, when a node name is very long and/or is truncated.

Node Name:

Allows you to create an alias for a node or bus in the selected instance in the Signal Tap Logic Analyzer. A node alias is useful, for example, when a node name is very long and/or is truncated.


Displays the master time bar current value for the corresponding node or group.

Waveform Display:

Displays the behavior of captured logic events for the selected instance in a graphical, read-only waveform.