
  • Auto-restart configuration after error—Directs the device to restart the configuration process automatically if a data error is encountered. If this option is turned off, you must externally direct the device to restart the configuration process if an error occurs. This option is available for passive serial and active serial configuration schemes.
  • Release clears before tri-states—Directs the device to release the clear signal on registered logic cells and I/O cells before releasing the output enable override on tri-state buffers. If this option is turned off, the output enable signals are released before the clear overrides are released.
  • Enable user-supplied start-up clock (CLKUSR)—Directs the device to use a user-supplied clock on the CLKUSR pin for initialization. When turned off, external circuitry is required to provide the initialization clock on the DCLK pin in the Passive Serial and Passive Parallel Synchronous configuration schemes; in the Passive Parallel Asynchronous configuration scheme, the device uses an internal initialization clock.
  • Enable device-wide reset (DEV_CLRn)—Enables the DEV_CLRn pin, which allows all registers of the device to be reset by an external source. If this option is turned off, the DEV_CLRn pin is disabled when the device operates in user mode and is available as a user I/O pin.
  • Enable device-wide output enable (DEV_OE)—Enables the DEV_OE pin when the device is in user mode. If this option is turned on, all outputs on the chip operate normally. When the pin is disabled, all outputs are tri-stated. If this option is turned off, the DEV_OE pin is disabled when the device operates in user mode and is available as a user I/O pin.
  • Enable INIT_DONE output—Enables the INIT_DONE pin, which allows you to externally monitor when initialization is complete and the device is in user mode. If this option is turned off, the INIT_DONE pin is disabled when the device operates in user mode and is available as a user I/O pin.
  • Enable JTAG Pin Sharing—Enables the JTAG pin sharing feature. The JTAGEN pin is enables and becomes a dedicated input pin in user mode. JTAG pins (TDO, TCK, TDI, and TMS pins) are available as test pins when the JTAGEN pin is pull low. JTAG pins are dedicated when the JTAGEN pin is high. If this option is turned off, the JTAGEN pin is disabled when the device operates in user mode and is available as a user I/O pin. JTAG pins are retained as dedicated JTAG pins. .
  • Enable nCONFIG, nStatus, and CONF_DONE pins—Enables the major configuration pins, nCONFIG, nSTATUS, and CONF_DONE pin in user mode. If this option is turned off, the nCONFIG, nSTATUS, and CONF_DONE pins are disabled when the device operates in user mode and are available as user I/O pins.
  • Enable OCT_DONE —Enables the OCT_DONE pin, which controls whether the INIT_DONE pin is gated by OCT_DONE pin. If this option is turned off, the INIT_DONE pin is not gated by the OCT_DONE pin.
  • Enable security bit support—Enables the security bit support, which prevents data in a device from being obtained and used to program another device. This option is available for supported device ( MAX® II, and MAX® V) families.
  • Set unused TDS pins to GND—When turned on, sets the unused temperature sensing diode TSD pins, TEMPDIODEp and TEMPDIODEn to GND in the pin Definition. By default, TSD pins are available for connection to an external temperature sensing device; however, you must manually connect the pins to GND if they are not connected. When turned on, this option updates the information in the .pinfile and does not affect FPGA behavior.
  • Enable CONFIG_SEL pin—Enables the BOOT_SEL pin in user mode. If this option is turned off, the BOOT_SEL pin is disabled when the device operates in user mode and is available as a user I/O pin.
  • Enable nCEO pin—Enables the nCEO pin. This pin should be connected to the nCE of the succeeding device when multiple devices are being programmed. If this option is turned off, the nCEO pin is disabled when the device operates in user mode and is available as a user I/O pin.
  • Enable autonomous PCIe HIP mode—Releases the PCIe HIP after periphery configuration, before device core configuration completes. This option only takes effect if CvP mode is disabled.
  • Enable the HPS early release of HPS IO—Release the HPS shared I/O bank after the IOCSR programming.