File name

Allows you to specify a Signal Activity File (.saf) Definition or Value Change Dump File (.vcd) Definition containing toggle rate and static probability data.

Important: Important: To ensure accurate interpretation of signal activity data, do not use Signal Activity Files created in versions of the Quartus® Prime software earlier than 5.1. The PowerPlay® Power Analyzer treats signals from bidirectional I/O elements differently, depending on the mode in which the I/O is functioning. When a bidirectional I/O element acts as an output (in which case its output enable is high), signal activity is represented by the node_name~output keyword in the Signal Activity File or Assignment Editor. When a bidirectional I/O element acts as an input (in which case it feeds data to the chip core), signal activity is represented by the node_name~result keyword. This behavior differs from versions of the Quartus® Prime software earlier than 5.1.
Scripting Information

Keyword:power_input_file_name <file_name> [-section_id <section_ID>]

Settings:<file_name> string

Settings:<section_ID> string |


The optional <section_ID> variable is, by default, assigned the value of the < file_name> variable. You can specify a different <section_ID> variable to create a unique entry in the following two cases:

  • File names used by the PowerPlay® Power Analyzer are case insensitive. If two or more of your input files have the same name, but differ in capitalization, you can use the <section_ID> variable to create unique entries.
  • If two or more of your input files have exactly the same name, but you want to apply them to different hierarchies in your design, you can use the <section_ID> variable to provide unique entries.