Placing Device Resources into LogicLock® Plus Regions

A LogicLock® Plus region incorporates all device resources within its boundaries, including memory and pins. The Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software automatically includes pins when you assign an instance to a region. You can manually exclude pins with a Core Only assignment.

A LogicLock® Plus region includes all device resources within its boundaries, including memory and pins. The Quartus® Prime Standard Edition software does not include pins automatically when you assign an entity to a region. You can manually assign pins to LogicLock® Plus regions; however, this placement puts location constraints on the region. The software only obeys pin assignments to locked regions that border the periphery of the device. The locked regions must include the I/O pins as resources.

When you add an entity to a region, by default the region gets the same name as the entity.

Note: Pin assignments to LogicLock® Plus regions are effective only in fixed and locked regions. Pin assignments to floating regions do not influence the placement of the region.

Only one LogicLock® Plus region can use a device resource. If a LogicLock® Plus region boundary includes part of a device resource, the Quartus® Prime software allocates the entire resource to that LogicLock® Plus region. When the Quartus® Prime software places a floating auto-sized region, it places the region in an area that meets the requirements of the contents of the LogicLock® Plus region.

To add an instance using the LogicLock® Plus Region window, right-click in the region and select LogicLock® Plus Properties > Add