Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Highlights

The Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software offers a rich graphical user interface complemented with an illustrated, easy-to-use online Help system. The complete Quartus® Prime Pro Edition system comprises an integrated design environment that includes every step from design entry to device programming. The Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software offers the following advantages over all other Quartus® Prime products:
  • Hierarchical project structure—The Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Compiler generates a new hierarchical project structure that isolates the compilation results of each design entity within a design partition.
  • Quartus® Prime Pro Edition synthesis—stricter language parser with enhanced language support, faster algorithms, and true parallel synthesis. Now including support for SystemVerilog 2009.
  • Enhanced physical synthesis optimization—performs combinational and sequential optimization during fitting to improve circuit performance.
  • Hierarchical project structure—preserves individual post-synthesis, post-placement, and post-place and route results for each design entity. Allows optimization without impacting other partition placement or routing.
  • Incremental Fitter Optimizations—run and optimize Fitter stages incrementally. Each Fitter stage generates detailed reports.
  • Faster, more accurate I/O placement—plan interface I/O in BluePrint Platform Designer.
  • Qsys Pro—Qsys Pro builds on the system design and custom IP integration capabilities of Qsys. Qsys Pro introduces hierarchical isolation between system interconnect and IP components.
  • Supports dynamic Partial Reconfiguration of a portion of the Arria® 10 FPGA, while the remaining portions of the FPGA continue to function.
  • Supports block-based design flows, allowing you to preserve and reuse design blocks at various stages of compilation.