Junction temperature and cooling solution settings for PowerPlay® power analysis

Allows you to specify operating parameters pertaining to junction temperature, cooling solution, and circuit board thermal model. The following settings are available:

  • Specify junction temperature— Allows you to specify a junction temperature in degrees Celsius. The specified junction temperature must be within the range specified in Junction temperature range.
Scripting Information


Settings:on | off



Settings:<temperature in degrees Celsius>

default = 25

  • Auto compute junction temperature using cooling solution— Directs the Quartus® Prime software to calculate junction temperature based on a cooling solution.
Scripting Information


Settings:on | off


  • Ambient temperature— If you selected Auto compute junction temperature using cooling solution, allows you to specify an ambient temperature in degrees Celsius.
Scripting Information


Settings:<temperature in degrees Celsius>

default = 25


Junction temperature and cooling solution settings for PowerPlay® power analysis are used by the PowerPlay® Power Analyzer. These settings do not affect timing analysis.

If a specified ambient or junction temperature is above the allowable junction temperature range for the device, a warning message appears and the Quartus® Prime software uses the maximum allowable temperature in power analysis; if a specified ambient or junction temperature is below the allowable junction temperature range for the device, a warning message appears and the Quartus® Prime software uses the minimum allowable temperature in power analysis.

If a specified ambient or junction temperature is outside the user-specified junction temperature range, but within the allowable junction temperature range for the device, the Quartus® Prime software uses the specified temperature and a warning appears in the Messages window informing you that the specified temperature is outside the range you specified in Junction temperature range.