To perform a functional simulation of a Verilog HDL design withcommand-line commands

  1. If you have not already done so, perform Setting Up the Incisive Enterprise Simulator Working Environment.
  2. To create a work library in the project directory, type the following command at the command prompt:
    mkdir <work library>

    Intel recommends using the IES (Verilog or VHDL) default library names when you create a library. You should name the IES software libraries as follows:

    • When you run the IES software independently from the Quartus® Prime software, you should name your library work.
    • When you run the IES software automatically from the Quartus® Prime software, your library is automatically named gate_work under the current project directory, and the work alias is mapped to the gate_work directory.
  3. Copy the cds.lib and hdl.var files, which are located in the /<NCSim installation directory path>/tools/inca/files/ directory, to the /<project directory>/simulation/ncsim directory.
  4. Edit the cds.lib and hdl.var files as follows:
    File Name File Contents Function
    cds.lib DEFINE<work library> ./work Maps the <work library> to the physical location of the work library.
    hdl.var DEFINE WORK<work library> Maps the IES variable WORK to the <work library>.
  5. To compile the appropriate project files into the work library, type the following commands at the command prompt from within the project directory:
    ncvlog<testbench file>
    ncvlog<design name>.v
    Note: If your design contains the alt2gxb megafunction, refer to the alt2gxb Help topic for required settings information.
  6. To elaborate and simulate the design, type the following command at the command prompt:
    ncelab <work library>.<top-level entity name>  
    ncsim <work library>.<top-level entity name>