VHDL Component Declaration

The following VHDL component declaration is located in the VHDL Design File (.vhd) DefinitionALTERA_MF_COMPONENTS.vhd in the < Quartus® Prime installation directory>\libraries\vhdl\altera_mf directory.

component altsyncram

        generic (

                address_aclr_a  :       string := "UNUSED";

                address_aclr_b  :       string := "NONE";

                address_reg_b   :       string := "CLOCK1";

                byte_size       :       natural := 8;

                byteena_aclr_a  :       string := "UNUSED";

                byteena_aclr_b  :       string := "NONE";

                byteena_reg_b   :       string := "CLOCK1";

                clock_enable_core_a     :       string := "USE_INPUT_CLKEN";

                clock_enable_core_b     :       string := "USE_INPUT_CLKEN";

                clock_enable_input_a    :       string := "NORMAL";

                clock_enable_input_b    :       string := "NORMAL";

                clock_enable_output_a   :       string := "NORMAL";

                clock_enable_output_b   :       string := "NORMAL";

                intended_device_family  :       string := "unused";

                enable_ecc      :       string := "FALSE";

                implement_in_les        :       string := "OFF";

                indata_aclr_a   :       string := "UNUSED";

                indata_aclr_b   :       string := "NONE";

                indata_reg_b    :       string := "CLOCK1";

                init_file       :       string := "UNUSED";

                init_file_layout        :       string := "PORT_A";

                maximum_depth   :       natural := 0;

                numwords_a      :       natural := 0;

                numwords_b      :       natural := 0;

                operation_mode  :       string := "BIDIR_DUAL_PORT";

                outdata_aclr_a  :       string := "NONE";

                outdata_aclr_b  :       string := "NONE";

                outdata_reg_a   :       string := "UNREGISTERED";

                outdata_reg_b   :       string := "UNREGISTERED";

                power_up_uninitialized  :       string := "FALSE";

                ram_block_type  :       string := "AUTO";

                rdcontrol_aclr_b        :       string := "NONE";

                rdcontrol_reg_b :       string := "CLOCK1";

                read_during_write_mode_mixed_ports      :       string := "DONT_CARE";

                read_during_write_mode_port_a   :       string := "NEW_DATA_NO_NBE_READ";

                read_during_write_mode_port_b   :       string := "NEW_DATA_NO_NBE_READ";

                width_a :       natural;

                width_b :       natural := 1;

                width_byteena_a :       natural := 1;

                width_byteena_b :       natural := 1;

                widthad_a       :       natural;

                widthad_b       :       natural := 1;

                wrcontrol_aclr_a        :       string := "UNUSED";

                wrcontrol_aclr_b        :       string := "NONE";

                wrcontrol_wraddress_reg_b    :       string := "CLOCK1";

                lpm_hint        :       string := "UNUSED";

                lpm_type        :       string := "altsyncram"



                aclr0   :       in std_logic := '0';

                aclr1   :       in std_logic := '0';

                address_a       :       in std_logic_vector(widthad_a-1 downto 0);

                address_b       :       in std_logic_vector(widthad_b-1 downto 0) := (others => '1');

                addressstall_a  :       in std_logic := '0';

                addressstall_b  :       in std_logic := '0';

                byteena_a       :       in std_logic_vector(width_byteena_a-1 downto 0) := (others => '1');

                byteena_b       :       in std_logic_vector(width_byteena_b-1 downto 0) := (others => '1');

                clock0  :       in std_logic := '1';

                clock1  :       in std_logic := '1';

                clocken0        :       in std_logic := '1';

                clocken1        :       in std_logic := '1';

                clocken2        :       in std_logic := '1';

                clocken3        :       in std_logic := '1';

                data_a  :       in std_logic_vector(width_a-1 downto 0) := (others => '1');

                data_b  :       in std_logic_vector(width_b-1 downto 0) := (others => '1');

                eccstatus       :       out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);

                q_a     :       out std_logic_vector(width_a-1 downto 0);

                q_b     :       out std_logic_vector(width_b-1 downto 0);

                rden_a  :       in std_logic := '1';

                rden_b  :       in std_logic := '1';

                wren_a  :       in std_logic := '0';

                wren_b  :       in std_logic := '0'


end component;