chip_pin VHDL Synthesis Attribute
A VHDL synthesis attribute that assigns device pins to a port on a VHDL entity.
To use the chip_pin
synthesis attribute in a
VHDL Design File (.vhd) Definition, declare the synthesis attribute using an
Attribute Declaration, and then set the value of the
synthesis attribute on an entity port using
an Attribute Specification that you place in the entity's
underlying architecture. The value of the chip_pin
synthesis attribute must be a string
containing a list of device pin names separated by commas
- In addition to the
synthesis attribute, the Quartus® Prime software supports thealtera_chip_pin_lc
synthesis attribute for compatibility with third-party synthesis tools. Some of these synthesis tools required an@
symbol in front of each pin name when targeting some older device families. In the Quartus® Prime software, the@
symbol is optional. - To find the name for each pin you want to assign to a port, consult the pin table for the design's target device.
- The
synthesis attribute can be used only on the ports of the top-level entity in the design, and cannot be used to assign pin locations from entities at lower levels of the design hierarchy.
You can use the chip_pin
synthesis attribute only
on entity ports with single-bit or one-dimensional types. For
one-dimensional ports, the port's range declaration determines the
mapping of pins listed in the synthesis attribute to individual
bits in the port. For example, in the following code, the
synthesis attribute assigns device pins to
ports sel
and data
on entity
entity foo is
port (sel : in std_logic;
data : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
o : out std_logic);
end foo;
architecture rtl of foo is
attribute chip_pin : string;
attribute chip_pin of sel : signal is "C4";
attribute chip_pin of data : signal is "D1, D2, D3, D4";
-- Specify additional code
end architecture;
In this example, sel
is a one bit wide port; pin
is assigned to this port. data
is a
one-dimensional port that is four bits wide. Because
is declared with type std_logic_vector(3
downto 0)
, pin D1
is assigned to
, pin D2
is assigned to
, and so forth. If you declared
with type std_logic_vector(0 to 3)
pin D1
would be assigned to data(0)
, pin
would assigned to data(1)
, and so
You cannot use the chip_pin
synthesis attribute to
make pin assignments on non-entity ports or ports with more than
two dimensions.