Project Navigator Window

The Project Navigator provides direct visual access to key Quartus® Prime project information, and contains a representation of the project hierarchy, files, design units, IP components, shortcuts to various menu commands. The IP Components tab allows you to view IP components and upgrade outdated FPGA IP components for improved IP management.

Select any of the following Project Navigator tabs to view information:

Table 1. Project Navigator Tabs
Project Navigator Tab Description
Files Lists all design files in the current project. Right-click design files in this tab to run these commands:
  • Open the file
  • Remove the file from project
  • View file Properties
Hierarchy Provides a visual representation of the project hierarchy, specific resource usage information, and device and device family information. Right-click on items in the hierarchy to Locate, Set as Top-Level Entity, or define LogicLock® Plus regions or design partitions.
Design Units Displays the design units in the project. Right-click a design unit to Locate in Design File.
IP Components Displays the design files that make up the IP instantiated in the project, including Intel FPGA IP cores, Qsys Pro components, and third-party IPs. Click Launch IP Upgrade Tool from this tab to upgrade outdated IP components. Right-click any IP component to Edit in Parameter Editor.
Revisions Displays the current project revisions.

The Project Navigator appears by default the first time you open the Quartus® Prime software. To manually open the Project Navigator click View > Utility Windows > Project Navigator > .