Upgrade IP Components Dialog Box (Project Menu)

Allows you to upgrade IP components in your Quartus® Prime project. IP core variants generated with a previous version or different edition of the Quartus® Prime software may require upgrading before use in the current version or edition of the software. When you open a project containing outdated IP, the Project Navigator displays a banner indicating the IP upgrade status. Click Launch IP Upgrade Tool or Project > Upgrade IP Components to upgrade outdated IP cores.

Icons in the Upgrade IP Components dialog box indicate when IP upgrade is required, optional, or unsupported for IP cores in your design. You must upgrade IP cores that require upgrade before you can compile the IP variation in the current version of the Quartus® Prime software.

The upgrade process preserves the original IP variation file in the project directory as <my_variant>_BAK.qsys.

Note: Upgrading IP cores may append a unique identifier to the original IP core entity name(s), without similarly modifying the IP instance name. There is no requirement to update these entity references in any supporting Quartus® Prime file; such as the Quartus® Prime Settings File (.qsf), Synopsys® Design Constraints File (.sdc), or Signal Tap File (.stp), if these files contain instance names. The Quartus® Prime software reads only the instance name and ignores the entity name in paths that specify both names. Use only instance names in assignments.
Table 1. IP Core Upgrade Status
IP Core Status Description
IP Upgraded

Indicates that your IP variation uses the latest version of the IP core.
IP Upgrade Optional

Indicates that upgrade is optional for this IP variation in the current version of the Quartus® Prime software. You can upgrade this IP variation to take advantage of the latest development of this IP core. Alternatively, you can retain previous IP core characteristics by declining to upgrade. Refer to the Description for details about IP core version differences. If you do not upgrade the IP, the IP variation synthesis and simulation files are unchanged and you cannot modify parameters until upgrading.
IP Upgrade Required

Indicates that you must upgrade the IP variation before compiling in the current version of the Quartus® Prime software. Refer to the Description for details about IP core version differences.
IP Upgrade Unsupported

Indicates that upgrade of the IP variation is not supported in the current version of the Quartus® Prime software due to incompatibility with the current version of the Quartus® Prime software. The Quartus® Prime software prompts you to replace the unsupported IP core with a supported equivalent IP core from the IP Catalog. Refer to the Description for details about IP core version differences and links to Release Notes.
IP End of Life

Indicates that Intel designates the IP core as end-of-life status. You may or may not be able to edit the IP core in the parameter editor. Support for this IP core discontinues in future releases of the Quartus® Prime software.
IP Upgrade Mismatch Warning

Provides warning of non-critical IP core differences in migrating IP to another device family.