About the Tasks Window

You open this dialog box by clicking File > Print in the Quartus® Prime software. To print messages, Right-click in the Messages window and select Print.

The Tasks window allows you to use the tools and features of the Quartus® Prime software and monitor their progress from a flow-based layout. Expand each section of the flow to use the tools best suited to that section of the design process. In the Existing Flow list, you can select one of the following default flows:

  • Compilation—Contains the tasks and tools for design compilation, timing analysis, and device programming.
  • Gate Level Simulation—Contains tasks to perform a gate level simulation.
  • Full Design—Contains the tasks and tools to start a project, create a design, assign constraints, compile it, and verify it.

The Task column displays progress as a percentage of completion. The Time column displays the time spent—in days (if the process takes longer than 24 hours to complete), hours, minutes, and seconds. You can click Customize to create your own flows in the Customize Flow dialog box. For example, you can use the Tcl Scripts dialog box to create a custom flow that is actually a list of the Tcl scripts you use with your project.