Assigning Design Constraints with the Precision RTL Synthesis Software

You assign design constraints in the Precision RTL synthesis software by creating a Synopsys Design Constraints File (.sdc) Definition) that contains the design constraints and adding it to the project.

You can also set design constraints in the Precision RTL Synthesis software. The Precision RTL Synthesis software then creates a <design name>_constraints.sdc Synopsys® Design Constraint File in the current project directory. To set design constraints in the Precision RTL Synthesis software user interface:

  1. If you have not already done so, set up a project with the Precision RTL Synthesis software.
  2. To create clock(s) for the design and set clock attributes:
    1. In the Design Hierarchy window, click the + icon to expand the Clocks folder.
    2. To create a clock and set clock constraints for a specific clock, right-click on the clock, and click Set Clock Constraints.
    3. To set additional attributes for a specific clock, right-click on the clock, and click Set Attributes.
  3. To set timing and mapping constraints on ports:
    1. In the Design Hierarchy window, expand the Ports folder.
    2. Expand the Inputs or Outputs folder.
    3. Right-click a specific port and click Set Input Constraints or Set Output Constraints. The Port Constraints dialog box appears.
    4. Use the Port Constraints dialog box to set timing and mapping constraints, including pin numbers, I/O standards, and I/O pads.
    5. You can also right-click on a specific port and click Force Register into I/O to force registers to be moved into I/O elements during synthesis.
  4. To disable I/O pad insertion on I/O pins in the design during synthesis:
    1. Click Set Options. The Synthesis Options dialog box appears.
    2. Select Optimization.
    3. Turn off Add IO Pads.
    4. Click OK.
  5. To continue with the Precision RTL Synthesis design flow, generate EDIF Netlist Files with the Precision RTL Synthesis software.