Performing a Functional Simulation with the VCS Software

To prepare for a functional simulation of a Verilog HDL design with the Synopsys® VCS software, you can type a command that compiles the design and generates a simv.exe file that you can use to simulate the design. Alternatively, you can type a command that compiles and simulates the design automatically.

To perform a functional simulation of a Verilog HDL design with the VCS software from the command line:

  1. If you have not already done so, set up the VCS working environment.
  2. Refer to the following table and type the appropriate command at the command prompt.
    Design Type Commands for Compiling the Design and Generating a simv.exe File Commands for Compiling and then Automatically Simulating the Design
    Verilog HDL design without HEX File vcs <design name>.v [<testbench>.v] -v <library file>.v vcs -R <design name>.v [<testbench>.v] -v <library file>.v
    Verilog HDL design with HEX File vcs -v \quartus\eda\sim_lib\nopli.v<library file>.v <design name>.v [<testbench>.v] - vcs -R -v \quartus\eda\sim_lib\nopli.v <library file>.v <design name>.v [<testbench>.v] -
    1. You must type the above commands for each source file in the design, where the <design name>.v and <testbench>.v variables may each represent one or more of the source files of the design.
    2. The <library file>.v variable may represent one or more of the functional simulation libraries.
    3. Refer to the VCS User Guide for more information on the required and optional environment variables.
    Important: Important: If your design contains the alt2gxb megafunction, refer to the alt2gxb Help topic for required settings information.
  3. To continue with the VCS simulation flow, proceed to Performing a Timing Simulation with the VCS Software.
Note: For more information about using EDA simulators, refer to Synopsys® VCS and VCS MX Support in the Quartus® Prime Handbook.