Generating Boundary-Scan Description Language Output Files with the Quartus® Prime Software
This feature only supports the
Quartus® Prime Standard Edition. You can
generate Boundary-Scan Description Language File (.bsd) Definition in the
Quartus® Prime software for designs
targeting the
Stratix® IV device family.
To generate a BSDL file:
- On the Assignments menu, click Settings.
- In the Category list, select Board-Level under EDA Tool Settings.
- In the Board-level boundary scan box, select BSDL from the Format list.
- Type or browse to the location you want to use as the output directory for the BSDL File. The default location is <project directory>/board/bsd.
- Select either Pre-configuration BSDL file or Post-configuration BSDL file.
- To generate the BSDL File, compile the design.
You can also use the Create Board-Level Boundary-Scan File command to create a BSDL file prior to creating a design.