Set Maximum Delay Dialog Box (set_max_delay)
Allows you to override the default setup constraint for any path
with a specific maximum time value for the path. You can specify
the source (-from
), common
through elements (- thru
), and
destination (-to
) elements
of the path included in the maximum delay value.
Maximum delays are always relative to any clock network delays (if the source or destination is a register) or any input or output delays (if the source or destination is a port). Thus, input delays and clock latencies are added to the data arrival times; clock latencies are added to data required times; and output delays are subtracted from data required times.
The following sections provide more information about specifying options for this constraint:
If you specify a clock as the collection for the source
) element,
you must specify a clock for the collection in the destination
) element.
Applying exceptions between clocks applies the exception from all
registers or ports clocked by the source (-from
) clock to
all registers or ports clocked by the destination (-to
) clock.
Applying exceptions between clocks is more efficient than applying
them for specific paths.
If you specify pin names or collections of pins, the source
) element
must be a clock pin, and the destination (-to
) value must
be any non-clock input pin to a register. Constraints from clock
pins, or to and from cells, apply to all registers in the cell or
those clocked by the clock pin.
From (-from):
Specifies the source ( collection Definition of clocks, registers, ports, pins, or cells) in the path to which you want to apply the maximum delay. You can use the Name Finder (...) to build a collection.
Through (-thru):
Specifies the common through elements ( collection Definition of pins or nets in the design) in a path to which the timing constraint or exception applies. You can use the Name Finder (...) to build a collection.
) or destination (-to
) elements.
To (-to):
Specifies the destination ( collection Definition of clocks, registers, ports, pins, or cells) in a path to which the timing constraint or exception applies. You can use the Name Finder (...) to build a collection.
Delay Value:
Specifies the maximum required delay for the path.
SDC command:
Displays and allows you to enter SDC commands for the options you specify in this dialog box.