View Page (SignalTap II Logic Analyzer) (Options Dialog Box)

Allows you to specify the view options for the SignalTapII Logic Analyzer window.

Show horizontal grid:

Allows you to display the horizontal grid in the waveform file. The default is on.

Nodes & groups:

Allows you to control the display of lines.

  • Low value thickness— Specifies the thickness of the line that represents low value logic conditions.
  • High value thickness— Specifies the thickness of the line that represents high value logic conditions.
  • Inter-line spacing— Allows you to increase the vertical size of the waveform rows. 0 is the minimum height, and the default.

Align names:

Allows you to select the alignment of the node names in the Node Name column in the SignalTap II window. You can select Left or Right.

Group bits:

Specifies whether group bits are displayed with either the MSB or the LSB first.

Show leading zeros in group values:

Determines whether hexadecimal, binary, or octal numbers displayed in the SignalTap II Logic Analyzer window are shown with or without leading zeros. The default is on.

Show time grid:

Allows you to display the horizontal lines of the time grid in a waveform file, or the vertical lines of the time grid in a SignalTap II waveform file.

Show time bars:

Allows you to display the horizontal lines of the time grid in a waveform file, or the vertical lines of the time grid in a SignalTap II waveform file.

State-based trigger flow:

Allows you to set the default window display mode for the State Machine pane in the State-based Trigger Flow tab.