Examples of Constructing Advanced Trigger Conditions for the SignalTap II Logic Analyzer

You can create advanced trigger conditions in the Advanced Trigger Condition Editor pane with objects from the Object Library pane. Advanced trigger conditions allow you to capture signal data defined by complex triggering conditions that can, for example, incorporate logical and comparison operators and allow you to specify multiple conditions of trigger criteria for a single advanced trigger.

The following examples show ways to use various objects in advanced trigger conditions.

  • Example of Using a Comparison Object and Pipelining in an Advanced Trigger Condition
  • Example of Using an Edge & Level Detector Object and Logical Conditions in an Advanced Trigger Condition
  • Example of Using Data Delay in an Advanced Trigger Condition
  • Example of Using a Bitwise Object in an Advanced Trigger Condition
  • Example of Using a Shift Object in an Advanced Trigger Condition