Generate PowerPlay Early Power Estimator File Command (Project Menu)

You access this command by clicking Generate PowerPlay Early Power Estimator File on the Project menu.

Allows you to create a PowerPlay Early Power Estimator file Definition that contains resource usage information about a design. This command generates a text file named <designname>_early_pwr.txt for all other supported device(ArriaIIGX, MAX II, and Stratix IV) families, this command generates a Comma-Separated Value File (.csv) Definition with the name <designname>_ early_pwr.csvin the<project name>directory.

You can use the file to import design information into a PowerPlay Early Power Estimator spreadsheet, which you download from the Altera website.

Important: You must compile a design before creating a PowerPlay Early Power Estimator file for the design.
Scripting Information


Settings:<file name>