Design Partition Planner Commands

You access these commands by clicking the command name on the shortcut menu or main menu bar in the Design Partition Planner.
  • Auto-Arrange—Repositions entities within a selected design partition to achieve a more economical use of available display area.
  • Auto-Partition Children—Automatically creates design partitions for a selected entity hierarchy, based on an analysis of compilation results. Existing partitions are unaffected.
  • Bundle Configuration—Opens the Bundle Configuration dialog box.
  • Bundle Properties—Opens the Bundle Properties dialog box.
  • Collapse Children—Collapses all extracted child entities of a selected parent entity.
  • Collapse Partition—Collapses all extracted child entities within a selected partition.
  • Collapse to Parent—Collapses a selected extracted entity back into its parent.
  • Create Design Partition—Creates a new design partition and places the selected entity inside.
  • Create New LogicLock® Plus Region—Creates a new LogicLock® Plus region for the selected design partition.
  • Delete All Design Partitions—Deletes all design partitions and returns entities contained inside to the design partition of their parent entity.
  • Delete Design Partition—Deletes a selected design partition and returns entities contained inside to the design partition of their parent entity.
  • Delete LogicLock® Plus Region—Deletes a LogicLock® Plus region from the selected design partition.
  • Design Partition Properties—Opens the Design Partition Properties dialog box.
  • Display Ignored Bundles—Restores full display of bundles previously muted by the Ignore Bundle command.
  • Export Design Partition—Opens the Export Design Partition dialog box.
  • Extract from Parent—Extracts a selected entity from its parent entity.
  • Ignore Bundle—Displays the selected connection bundle in a muted color.
  • Import Design Partition—Opens the Import Design Partition dialog box.
  • Redo—Restores an operation that has been previously undone.
  • Reset Design Partition Positions—Repositions design partitions on the screen.
  • Show Hierarchy Display—Switches the Design Partition Planner between regular connectivity-display mode and hierarchy-display mode.
  • Show Timing Data—Loads timing information from the TimeQuest Timing Analyzer.
  • Undo—Reverses the most recent operation.