Selecting reports to print:

To select a report in the Report Window to print:

  1. If you have not already done so, open the Report window.
  2. If you have not already done so, in the Report Window Contents, expand the folder that contains the report you want to select or deselect for printing or inclusion in a Report File.
  3. In the Report Window Contents, select the name of the report you want to include or exclude.
  4. To enable the report for printing or inclusion in a Report File, right-click the name of the report or folder you want to include or exclude in the Print List, and then click Include Report Section In Print List.
When you select a report for printing, the section is marked by a printer icon

placed to the left of the report name in the Report Window Contents. When you deselect the report, the printer icon is removed.If all the reports in a folder (including the reports in the folder's subfolders) are marked with the printer icon, the folder is also marked with the printer icon. If one or more, but not all, reports in a folder (including the reports in the folder's subfolders) are marked with the printer icon, the folder is marked with a dimmed printer icon


You can also select all reports in a folder by selecting the folder and turning on Include Report Section in Print List. However, you cannot use this method to select all reports in a folder if the folder is marked with a dimmed printer icon. You can deselect all reports in a folder by right-clicking the name of the folder and turning off Include Report Section In Print List.