Start Fitter Commands (Processing Menu)

You can access these commands by clicking Processing > Start > Start Fitter.

The Fitter places and routes the logic of your synthesized design into target device resources. Click Processing > Start Fitter to run all stages of the Fitter. Use the incremental optimization flow to run and optimize individual Fitter stages before running the other Fitter stages. Click any of the following commands to run individual Fitter stages:




Fitter (Implement) Runs the Plan, Early Place, Place, Route, and TimeQuest analysis stages in sequence. TimeQuest analysis includes only three of four timing model corners at this stage.

Start Fitter (Plan)

Loads synthesized periphery placement data and constraints, and assigns periphery elements to device I/O resources. After this stage, you can run post-Plan timing analysis to verify .sdc constraints, check periphery timing, and validate cross-clock timing windows. ClickTools > BluePrint Platform Designer to visualize and plan periphery placement and clock networks. Click Tools > TimeQuest Timing Analyzer to create a Planned timing netlist. Click Tools > Chip Planner to view pin and interface placement. You can also validate register packing, verify I/O standards and pin assignmnets. This command creates the Planned snapshot.

Start Fitter (Early Place)

Begins assigning core design logic to device resources and provides preliminary timing closure feedback. After this stage, evaluate whether your design likely meets timing before full routing. This command creates the Early Placed snapshot. Early Place does not run by default as part of the full compilation flow.

Start Fitter (Place)

Completes assignment of core design logic placement to device resources. After this stage, run post-placement physical synthesis to optimize this stage and validate logic utilization. This command creates the Placed snapshot.

Start Fitter (Route)

Performs core routing. This stage creates a fully routed design to validate delay chain settings and analyze routing resources. After this stage, perform detailed setup and hold timing closure in TimeQuest and view routing congestion via the Chip Planner. This command creates the Routed snapshot.

Start Fitter (Finalize)

Completes full place and route, including 4-corner TimeQuest analysis. The Fitter converts unneeded tiles from High Speed to Low Power for power optimization. This command creates the Final snapshot.