To compile libraries and design files with command-line commands
- If you have not already done so,set up a
QuestaSim project with command lines.Important: If your design contains the alt2gxb megafunction, refer to the appropriate megafunction topic for required settings.
- Enter the following commands to direct the QuestaSim software to
compile the appropriate libraries and design files for VHDL
If your design contains the alt2gxb megafunction, type the following commands at the QuestaSim prompt:
vlib lpm vlib altera vlib sgate vmap lpm work vmap altera work vmap sgate work vcom -worklpm<path_to_library>/220pack.vhd vcom-work lpm <path_to_library>/220model.vhd vcom -work sgate <path_to_library>/sgate_pack.vhd vcom -work sgate<path_to_library>/sgate.vhd vcom -work stratixiigx_gxb<path_to_library>/stratixiigx_hssi_atoms.vhd.vhd vcom -work stratixiigx_gxb<path_to_library>/stratixiigx_hssi_components.vhd
or, for a design targeting a StratixIV GX device:
vcom -work stratixivgx_gxb <path_to_library>/stratixivgx_hssi_atoms.vhd.vhd vcom -work stratixivgx_gxb <path_to_library>/stratixivgx_hssi_components.vhd
To compile the device-specific simulation models, VHDL Output File, and test bench file (if you are using one), type the following commands at the QuestaSim prompt:
vcom -work work <path_to_library>/<device family>_components.vhd vcom -work work <path_to_library>/<device family>_atoms.vhd vcom -work work <design name>.vho vcom -work work <test bench>.vhd
- Enter the following commands to direct the QuestaSim software to
compile the appropriate libraries and design files for Verilog HDL
To compile the device-specific simulation models, Verilog Output File, and test bench file (if you use one), type the following commands at the QuestaSim prompt:
vlog -work work <path_to_library>/<device family>_atoms.v vlog -work work <design name>.vo vlog -work work <test bench>.v