Setting Up the Precision RTL Synthesis Working Environment

To set up the Precision RTL Synthesis working environment:

  1. Make sure you have installed the following versions of the Quartus® Prime software and the Precision RTL Synthesis software:

    Mentor Graphics


    Precision RTL Synthesis version 2012

    Quartus® Prime version 13.0

    The Precision RTL Synthesis software supports all Intel devices supported by the Quartus® Prime software.

    Note: The Quartus® Prime Software Release Notes are available on the Altera website Definition and provide up-to-date information on which versions of Mentor Graphics applications the current version of the Quartus® Prime software supports. The Quartus® Primereadme.txt file provides information on installation and operating requirements. You should read the Release Notes and readme.txt file before installing the Quartus® Prime software. After installation, you can open the Release Notes and readme.txt file from the Quartus® PrimeHelp menu.

    Refer to "Intel Software File Organization" in the Intel SoftwareInstallation and Licensing manual for more information on installation and details on the directories that are created during Quartus® Prime installation.

    Note: The information presented here assumes that you are using a C shell and that your Quartus® Prime system directory is /usr/quartus. If not, you must use the appropriate syntax and procedures to set environment variables for your shell.
  2. To continue with Precision RTL Synthesis design flow, proceed to Creating a Design for Use with the Precision RTL Synthesis Software.