Generating FPGA Xchange-Format Files for Use with Other EDA Tools

You can generate an FPGA Xchange-Format File (.fx) in the Quartus® Prime software that you can use for symbol generation in the Mentor Graphics I/O Designer software.

To generate the FPGA Xchange-Format File:

  1. On the Assignments menu, click Settings.
  2. In the Category list, select Board-Level under EDA Tool Settings.
  3. In the Board-Level Symbol box, select FPGA Xchange in the Format list.
  4. Type or browse to the location you want to use as the output directory for the FPGA Xchange-Format File. The default directory is \<project name>\board\fpgaxchange.
  5. To generate the FPGA Xchange-Format File (.fx), compile the design.

    The EDA Netlist Writer places the FPGA Xchange-Format File in the specified directory. If you have already compiled the design, and want to specify different EDA tools settings and generate output files without recompiling the design, on the Processing menu, point to Start and then click Start EDA Netlist Writer.

  6. You can then use the generated FPGA Xchange-Format File in the I/O Designer software.
    Note: The Quartus® Prime software and the I/O Designer software can export and import an .fx. Therefore, you can overwrite the .fx and import incorrect assignments into one or both programs. To prevent this occurrence, create a backup copy of the .fx before importing, and import the backup copy instead of the Quartus® Prime software generated file.