Multiple Pulses Should Not be Generated in Design (Design Assistant Rule)

A design should not contain structures that generate multiple pulses in the following way:

The following image shows an example of multiple pulses:

These structures generate widths for the multiple pulses that are difficult for the Quartus® Prime Standard Edition software to determine, set, or verify. For example, the pulse widths are difficult for the Quartus® Prime Standard Edition software to determine if Analysis & Synthesis and the Fitter have not already determined the node delays necessary for the pulse widths.

Structures that generate multiple pulses cause more problems than pulse generators because of the number of pulses involved. In addition, when the structures generate multiples pulses, they also increase the frequency of the design.

Important: Important: This rule can be turned on or off as a global setting for the entire design on the Design Assistant page; or enabled or disabled for nodes, entities, or instances with Rule A106. This rule has a Critical severity level.