Quartus® Prime Standard Edition Settings File (.qsf) Definition

The Quartus® Prime Standard Edition Settings File (.qsf) contains all of the project-wide and entity-level assignments and settings for the current revision of the project. A separate Quartus® Prime Standard Edition Settings File exists for each individual revision. The Quartus® Prime Standard Edition Settings File syntax is based on Tcl script syntax.

When you create assignments and settings using the Quartus® Prime Standard Edition wizards and dialog boxes or Tcl commands, the Quartus® Prime Standard Edition software automatically places the assignment at the end of the Quartus® Prime Standard Edition Settings File. If you modify the Quartus® Prime Standard Edition Settings File directly, any assignments you create are recognized, regardless of where in the file you place them.

All text in the Quartus® Prime Standard Edition Settings File preceded by a pound symbol (#) is considered to be a comment and is not processed. Any comments you create maintain the same relative position in the file when you make changes; comments associated with specific assignments may move when you make changes to assignments. The comments remain even if you delete the associated assignment, and the Quartus® Prime Standard Edition software does not delete or change comments when the design is processed

The following commands are used to create the following types of assignments:

The following options are used to define the assignments.

When creating assignments, you can call assignments from other Quartus® Prime Standard Edition Settings Files using the source keyword and the Quartus® Prime Standard Edition Settings File name you want to call. Using the source keyword allows you to use assignments from any other Quartus® Prime Standard Edition Settings File without having to import the assignments or transfer them to the current Quartus® Prime Standard Edition Settings File. Any assignment called from another Quartus® Prime Standard Edition Settings File takes precedence over assignments read before the source line in the current Quartus® Prime Standard Edition Settings File. For example, the file chiptrip.qsf uses the source keyword to import assignments from new_assignments.qsf:



set_global_assignment -name top_level_entity chiptrip set_global_assignment -name family max7000b source new_assignments.qsf

set_global_assignment -name device auto

After compilation the assignments in new_assignments.qsf are processed as if they were in the file chiptrip.qsf, but the assignments are not copied into chiptrip.qsf.


Altera recommends using relative paths when creating assignments and settings that require file name information. Absolute paths do not always transfer properly across different platforms and directories.