NativeLink Integration with other EDA Tools

The Quartus® Prime Standard Edition software provides NativeLink integration with major design tools to provide seamless transfer of information between the Quartus® Prime Standard Edition software and other EDA tools. This NativeLink integration allows the Quartus® Prime Standard Edition software to easily identify the source of errors in the EDA tool's source files, enabling you to correct them quickly. In addition, the Quartus® Prime Standard Edition software allows you to run many EDA tools automatically from within the Quartus® Prime Standard Edition software, further enhancing its integration into your design flow.

The Quartus® Prime Standard Edition software also reads standard EDIF netlist files, VHDL netlist files, and Verilog HDL netlist files, and generates VHDL and Verilog HDL netlist files, including VITAL-compliant files, for a convenient interface to other industry-standard EDA tools.